Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Engorger: Part 4

The changing face of Political Correctness...?
(Originally written 12/27/2007)

So I was watching TV today, right, and I saw a commercial for the United Negro College Fund.

Now, stop me if I am wrong, but I thought calling black people or African Americans "Negroes" was considered archaic, insulting and very Politically Incorrect?

Then that got me to thinking. The NAACP is still referred to as the NAACP, which stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Now, I may be wrong on the "Negro" thing, but I know that African Americans take offense to being called "Colored People."

This could mean, in my mind, one of two things.

1) African Americans are too lazy to update the names of two of their most prominent organizations. This, I would hope, is not the case, seeing as how there is a terrible stereotype about black people and laziness that these two organizations are trying to abolish. Or...
2) It is okay to call African Americans "Negroes" and "Colored People."

This is really the only thing that works. I don't think that these two organizations are actually lazy, but that, deep down, they don't mind the terms Negro or Colored. I think it reminds them of the roads they travelled growing up and have a strange familiarity and comfortableness. I mean, why else, in this age of Political Correctness, would these two organizations still be associated with those terms?

It's really all that fits...

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