Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Engorger: Part 1

I think I need to get a Mac.
(Originally written 12/17/2007)

This piece of shit PC is really pissing me off.

Now, my laptop is not the best on the market, granted. But the fact that it takes 20 minutes to close a program is flat out ridiculous. No lie; twenty fucking minutes. To close it! I can understand taking 20 minutes to open a program (I wouldn't put up with it, but I'd understand it) but taking that long to close... Asinine.

All of this is on top of my experiences in the past. For example, I had made a 30 second 3D animation for school back in 2001. It was a cool little thing of a bumblebee in a flightcap zipping around the backyard set to a cool music mix of Edvard Greig's Morning Mood and the Vandals doing Flight of the Bumblebee. Yeah, I would put it up here for you all to see but, since my shitty PC crashed so many times, that no longer exists. Plus, there's the 30 minute movie that I made, starring my firends that took my three months to capture and edit. As soon as I got to the point of saying "This is done," gone, all because of my crap PC.

It's about time for me to switch. I think I'm going to start saving now and work on that by the end of 2008. That is, unless I don't slam my laptop against the wall first.

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