Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Genesis: Chapter 10

Sweet Jesus, does the radio suck.
(Originally written 11/18/2007)

My girlfriend's little brother came over today to hang out with his sister, play some video games, and just get away from his parents for a day. As I'm taking him home tonight, I'm flipping through the radio stations, and I just wanted to shoot myself right there on the highway. Modern radio stations are the absolute worst thing in the world.

Keep in mind that I have three bands on my radio, each with six radio stations, not counting the AM band. I flipped through each band at least five times, maybe six, and whatever wasn't playing a commercial at the time, played a song that made my ears bleed. How, how can this be? How can a business, that of a radio station, make money by playing the worst possible music, ever? This is a thing that boggles my mind.

The worst part about it? I had my iPod on me at the time, with the iTrip all plugged in and everything, but the friggin' battery was dead. Just my luck, right?

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