Saturday, May 2, 2009

Genesis: Chapter 6

A slight case of writers block?
(Originally written 11/4/2007)

So I'm sitting here wondering what I can write about here on this page, but I'll be damned if I can't find anything interesting to relate. See, my life is terribly boring; I'm not the kind of guy to go out to clubs on a nightly basis, or do the "skeet-skeet wif sum chicken-heads", as the case may be. So basically I'm just practicing a technique that writers use when they suffer from writer's block; free writing.

Free writing is just allowing yourself to write, despite what comes out. At this point I don't even know what the hell I'm talking about. I'm just rambling on like an idiot.

I haven't seen any interesting movies lately. I have read a few books, but I guess nothing that stands out in my mind as being noteworthy.

I guess my biggest excitement right now is to watch Heroes tomorrow night. I love that show, but I didn't really pay to much attention to last week's episode to know what to get excited about.

Man, my life is boring. I am sorry to have shared this all with you.

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