Monday, August 31, 2009

Now With More Nudity

A Family Friendly Beverage.
(Originally written 8/3/2008)

So the good people at Saranac, makers of fine ales and lagers, have decided to expand their menu a bit, and added some fine sodas, for the kids. I'm not entirely sure how long they have been doing this, so this may be old news. However, it was quite new to me. Anyway, I picked up a six-pack of the Shirley Temple soda and damn is it good.

As you probably know, a Shirley Temple is a soft drink made with 7-Up and cherry juice. It's purpose is to make children feel like they are having a drink while their parents are getting sloshed at the bar. I guess that works for designated drivers and AA members as well. So, having tried the Saranac version for the first time, I immediately realized that this is the drink for me. You see, I'm a sugar junkie. There can never be too much sugar in anything for me. And this soda, it tastes so sickeningly sweet that it almost makes me cringe. Almost. I mean, the amount of sugar taste that you get, you would think you mistakenly picked up the sugar bowl and took a sip of that. Seriously, it's like they made the bottle out of pure cane sugar.

It is fantastic.

They also have a root beer, an orange cream, and a ginger beer. I'll probably try those eventually, but for now, I'll stick with the Shirley Temple and all of it's teeth-rotting beauty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?