Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Discussion of a Quandry

The Attack of the Dark Knight Returns.
(Originally written 7/21/2009)

Yeah, the title of this post doesn't really make any sense, but The Dark Knight was an awesome fucking movie. It was so awesome, I barely remember what happened during most of it. Some might view this as a bad thing, as in "Oh. You were so bored that your mind wandered and you didn't even catch most of the film."

No. Not at all. I was so blown away by the action, acting, plot twists, and drama that my human brain couldn't comprehend it all at once.

Seriously. Heath Ledger was great as the Joker. His performance shits all over Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero. It's that good. Granted, it wasn't so good that he needed to OD on prescription meds and die, but, hey. That's on him. The Joker's entire scheme seems to by so completely random that when it makes sense at the end, you can tell that he is that crazy.

But aside from that, the best part of the movie was the Harvey Dent plot. Aaron Eckhart is riveting as Gotham's DA, and he plays his part with such panache, that you can't see anyone else in this role. Not even Tommy Lee Jones. Seriously!

I don't think I need to say anything about Christian Bale. It's pretty much agreed that since Batman Begins, he is the best Batman to ever be filmed. And if anyone tries to argue that point, then he or she and I have some problems.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, you need to. If you have, but you want to see it again, call me. I'll go with you.

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