Saturday, April 25, 2009

Genesis: Chapter 5

Suffering from the influenza.
(Originally written 11/2/2007)

This week was supposed to be my week of vacation from work. However, due to some... management rearrangements, that did not come to fruit. Although I did manage to secure Sunday and Saturday off for myself. Having these few extra days off, I had planned to get some things done. Clean up the apartment. Render a few C&P strips.

Then the sore throat showed up.

Sunday I was OK. I managed to do a little bit. But by Monday morning (a day I had planned to go to work) I was done. I had to bang out of work, which I guess was good, because I got another day to myself. But that day was spent drinking Theraflu and coughing yellow gunk out of my lungs. Tuesday was terrible. I went to work and sweated the entire time. I don't know how I lived through that. Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much the same as Monday, except slightly better. And today, I am glad to report that the cough is still there, but most everything else is fine.

I tell ya, Theraflu, Mucinex, and Ginger Ale is the greatest remedy for anything.

I also made some pumpkin seeds. That has nothing to do with my illness, but I'm just so excited about those tasty little buggers that I had to tell you all about it.

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