Thursday, April 30, 2009

More strips coming soon.

I apologize for the lack of updates here at C&P. This past week has consisted of me moving out of my apartment and I haven't had time to even look at my computer.

The moving will be completed by this evening, and I should be able to resume my normal activities. I will be heading to the movies tomorrow night (Wolverine, baby!) then Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. So I might not be updating until Sunday, unless I have to go to work (fingers crossed that I don't.)

I am hoping that Sunday I will have time to take care of you all. Bear with me. I'm still a little delirious from lack of sleep.

Peace and chicken grease.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Genesis: Chapter 5

Suffering from the influenza.
(Originally written 11/2/2007)

This week was supposed to be my week of vacation from work. However, due to some... management rearrangements, that did not come to fruit. Although I did manage to secure Sunday and Saturday off for myself. Having these few extra days off, I had planned to get some things done. Clean up the apartment. Render a few C&P strips.

Then the sore throat showed up.

Sunday I was OK. I managed to do a little bit. But by Monday morning (a day I had planned to go to work) I was done. I had to bang out of work, which I guess was good, because I got another day to myself. But that day was spent drinking Theraflu and coughing yellow gunk out of my lungs. Tuesday was terrible. I went to work and sweated the entire time. I don't know how I lived through that. Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much the same as Monday, except slightly better. And today, I am glad to report that the cough is still there, but most everything else is fine.

I tell ya, Theraflu, Mucinex, and Ginger Ale is the greatest remedy for anything.

I also made some pumpkin seeds. That has nothing to do with my illness, but I'm just so excited about those tasty little buggers that I had to tell you all about it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

C&P store

I added the link for the C&P Zazzle store here on the page. The products there feature a few custom graphics of Pecker in all his glory. If you feel so inclined, take a look. You can buy too. I won't get mad.

Also, if you have any design ideas, leave a comment and let me know. I have no problem working on them and adding them to the store. Whatever makes you happy.

Genesis: Chapter 4

The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D!
(Originally written 10/28/2007)

So I took my girlfriend and her little brother to see the 3-D version of the Nightmare Before Christmas. This is one of their favorite movies and I was surprised to see that is was playing here in New Jersey.

Needless to say, the 3-D effects were fantastic. I was not expecting it to look nearly as good as it did. I guess I thought it would be like the last 3-D movie that I saw in the theaters, which was Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. It was nothing like that. No red and blue glasses here.
But the cool effects are not the purpose behind this post. I am really writing this to explain what I noticed about the film, a concept that I didn't pick up on when I saw it in the past.
I am talking about the irony of Jack's character.

Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King, seems like a decent "guy" throughout the beginning of the film. Then he seems to have an identity crisis, not wanting to do the same things day in day out. He stumbles upon Christmastown and his prayers are answered.

This is where Jack goes from protagonist to antagonist.

Jack's actions after he decides he wants Christmas makes him the bad guy. He suffers from delusions of grandeur and does his best to implement this plan, going so far as to recruit a group of nasty kids to kidnap Santa Claus, all so that he can run Christmas. Granted, he tells to kids not to harm Santa in anyway, but what if the reason behind this was so he could ransom him off if the Christmas thing didn't pay off for him? It's possible.

Then, Jack takes another turn, but only after he takes a cannon shell in his sled after wrecking havoc on innocent lives. Pretty severe. He then rushes back to Halloweentown to help Santa, only to find him in the clutches of Oogie Boogie. Now, most people will probably say that Oogie is the bad guy in the movie, but he is just a degenerate gambler who took advantage of a fortunate event. Oogie Boogie is who he is, but, from what we witness in the film, he never resorted to kidnap. Sure, he played with Santa's and Sally's lives, but that situation never would have arisen if it weren't for Jack's actions earlier in the film.

I admit, the Nightmare Before Christmas is a damn good movie. However, people need to realize that it is not how the may have realized. Jack Skellington is evil, pure and simple. I wouldn't trust him.

(Edit: I had some stuff here about an auction I posted to eBay. Since that auction is no longer active, I removed this portion due to irrelevance.)

Genesis: Chapter 3

The Impending Arrival of All Hallow's Eve
(Originally written 10/21/2007)

As I type this there is a mere ten days left until the pagan holiday of Halloween arrives. And, man, I couldn't be more excited.

I have always loved Halloween. Maybe it had something to do with the free candy (I was always kind of the fat kid). Maybe it was the dressing up in costumes and pretending to be something other than myself. But, either way, I always thought of Halloween as being "the shit."

Now that I am an adult, things are a little different for me, but I still like Halloween. Just yesterday, my girlfriend and I went pumpkin picking. (If you are in the area of Hackettstown, NJ, I suggest checking out Donaldson Farms. They have an awesome set-up there.) We got a few pumpkins ranging in sizes and we plan on carving those puppies up. The best part about carving pumpkins is not making the scary, funny, or cute little faces, but making pumpkin seeds. Anyone who has had pumpkin seeds knows how good they are, especially with a little Molly McButter salt. Mmmm, mmmm.

That's not all we do for Halloween. When we got home from the farm, I hung the lights out on the porch. I know it sounds corny, but I like coming home from work to see the ghosts and pumpkins and bats hanging out side my apartment. Especially now that it's dark when I finally get home, I can really see them well.
I also plan on constructing the Halloween-town set-up that my girlfriend and I got from Michael's, the arts and crafts store. We purchased most of the stuff last year, but we also picked up a few of the new 2007 additions. It looked very cool last year and I expect it to be better now.
Most people say that Halloween is a holiday for kids. I really won't argue this point because, to be quite honest, I still consider myself to be a kid. So my love for Halloween could not be classified as a thing of "immaturity," but is merely me acting my age.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Genesis: Chapter 2

New Comic Book Day!
(Originally written 10/14/2007)

I am an avid comic book fan. I have been since I was ten years old. Know what got me into reading comics? The original Marvel Trading Cards. You remember them? They came out in 1990 and had images of all of Marvel's top characters, famous battles, and the cards of Spider-Man interviewing other heroes? They were the coolest. And after seeing all of the kids in school collecting them, I decided I wanted to join in the fun. And thus began my fall from grace.

I say that like it's a bad thing, but it really is not. Most of the best stories in my life were read in a 22-page layout with pictures and word balloons. My love for comics is what lead me to create this here website.

My point of all of this is to tell you, reader, what new comics I have been reading. I know that this may seem strange, being that this was written on a Sunday and comics come out on Wednesdays, but my schedule does not always allow me to get to the comic shoppe at that time, so I often have to wait a couple of weeks to pick them up.

What really stands out in my mind is Captain America: The Chosen. The story follows a soldier in present day fighting in our present war, and he begins to see and hear Captain America. Without going into detail, and giving away spoilers, the story is quite different from what I'd expected when I purchased it. I got the first two issues in a shot, and I am certainly happy with them.

Daredevil #100 was a pretty good issue. I got it because of the milestone; I am not a big Daredevil collector. But the art is the story makes it worthwhile. The story consists of a battle between DD and a villain named Mr. Fear, who is really nothing but a knock-off of DC's Scarecrow, but that is neither here nor there. DD gets a does of some "fear gas" and begins to hallucinate. The cool part is that each of the hallucinations is drawn by a different artist, including John Romita Sr. as well as other, top-notch artists.

On the downside, though, is that crap that Chris Claremont has been churning out. What happened to this guy? He used to be a great writer for Marvel, but now all he does is garbage. I refer to his current run on Exiles and New Excalibur. I dropped New Excalibur after about issue 6 because it made me want to vomit, which is a shame because it involves some cool characters. Exiles, on the other hand, is a comic that I have always enjoyed, but since Claremont came aboard, well, it's not the same at all. I swear, Chris is in love with Psylocke, seeing as how he cannot let her go. He brings he back from the dead a few years back in one of the X-Men titles (I forget which; I think it was Uncanny) and ever since then, he has seemed to make it a point to write her into whatever story he is working on. Psylocke is cool and all, but not that much. She does not need to be a member of the Exiles.

That's all that I have so far. I purchased many more comics than this but, mind you, I have yet to read them. I may post some of my thoughts about them; I may wait until something really strikes me. We will see how it goes.

Genesis: Chapter 1

Fornication, Illegal Substances, and Sugary Breakfast Cereal
(Originally written 10/1/2007)

If you are ever in the mood to read a book based entirely on opinion, I would recommend picking up Chuck Klosterman's Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs. I bought based on the title alone and it is downright hilarious.

The book deals with a multitude of subjects which Klosterman deconstructs as a way to understand life and the world. Granted, there may be hundreds of books on the market just like this, but I haven't read those, so I cannot vouch for them.

Many of the subjects in the book are simply absurd, which of course, makes it all the more funny (such as how the Lakers/Celtics rivalry can be tied to everything, and how Saved by the Bell was able to be absolutely captivating and downright bad at the same time.) There was only one essay that I did not read, and this was due entirely to the appearance in the first paragraph of the sentence "Country music is awesome!" (This is a fallacy. Country music is not awesome.)

Despite that glaringly obvious bit of wrongness, I wholely recommend Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs as a diversion from your everyday life. Reading is fundamental, you know.

Welcome to the home of C&P!

Clit & Pecker is an idea that I had about seven years ago. It took quite awhile for that vision to come to fruition, but in September of 2007, C&P was finally born.

It went quite well for a few months before life got in the way. Financial troubles, time constraints and ever-increasing stress levels and plummeting self-esteem led to it's demise, a notion that I have regretted.

Now, with my new-found love of blogging and Blogger in particular, Clit & Pecker shall rise again!

In the coming weeks, I will be posting each of the 49 original strips along with the blog posts for those days here on Blogger. Then, as the future rolls around and new strip ideas come to me, I will be placing them here as well.

This is my way to keep my dream, and my characters, alive and share them with you, dear interneters. I hope you enjoy reading these stories as I had writing them.