Chicken good.(Originally written 7/7/2008)
So, fast food chain
McDonalds has introduced a few new chicken items to their menu. The first one that I heard of was the Southern Style chicken biscuit breakfast sandwich. That sounded good to me, seeing as how I have had such an item at my local
Chick-Fil-A franchise. However, driving down a road near my street I saw a billboard that advertised a Southern Style chicken sandwich. Now, this wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for the fact that it also mentioned that the sandwich contained a pair of pickles. Hmmm...
Might these be two
crucial pickles?
Come on, McDonalds. You aren't fooling anyone. This "Southern Style" chicken sandwich has been around since Truett Cathy first offered it in the Dwarf Grill. You aren't offering anything "new." In fact, you may as well just call it the "Chick-Fil-A Style chicken sandwich." (They also
launched a website to promote the new items. Somehow dancing is supposed to settle a philosophical debate.)
I don't hate McDonalds. With that said, though, I love Chick-Fil-A. So if you feel that I am being biased, it's because I am. But seriously, what is the difference between these two sandwiches besides the name on the receipt? The quality of chicken, maybe? If that's the case, I will certainly choose Chick-Fil-A anyday. Though McDonalds' chicken isn't terrible (as opposed to Burger King, which is downright awful), it does not compare in any way to Chick-Fil-A.
What makes me happy is that I am not the only one to notice this particular brand of mimicry. The
New York Times ran an article about it, as did
Time magazine. However, since they are rather big name publications, and I am just one schmoe in my corner of the internet, they refuse to take a stand on the issue. Not me, though. Given the choice; Chick-Fil-A.
There is no competition here. If I want a quality chicken sandwich, whether it's eight in the morning or eight in the evening, I'm going to Chick-Fil-A. If I want a greasy, squashed cheeseburger with synthetic sauce, I'll go to McDonalds. And never the 'tween shall meet.
Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Send me
an e-mail if you feel as strongly as I do so we can spark some debate over here at CnP.